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All Courses

Filtering by: Short Courses
Useful Jigs for the Home Workshop
to Jun 5

Useful Jigs for the Home Workshop

This 3-Day Course is designed for those with some basic experience and interested in making adjustable and reusable jigs for their home workshop.

In this course students will create a set of useful jigs and gain an understanding of how jigs can be used to improve accuracy, safety and repeatability when applied to their own woodworking projects.

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A Taste of Fine Woodworking
to Sep 5

A Taste of Fine Woodworking


This 3 day course was designed for the beginner woodworker.

If you think you might enjoy woodwork and like the idea of learning some basic techniques on smaller items, then this taster class may be the one for you. This introductory class is suitable for the absolute beginner and offers an introduction to hand tool, power tool and machine use.  

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Coopered Cabinet
to Oct 17

Coopered Cabinet

This James Krenov style cabinet is an introduction to classic cabinet making and covers a range of traditional techniques. Designed to follow on from our long-standing and most popular Introduction to Fine Woodworking course. This course is good for those with at least a basic level of experience with Fine Woodworking.

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A Taste of Fine Woodworking Weekend
to Dec 7

A Taste of Fine Woodworking Weekend


This 3 day course was designed for the beginner woodworker.

If you think you might enjoy woodwork and like the idea of learning some basic techniques on smaller items, then this taster class may be the one for you. This introductory class is suitable for the absolute beginner and offers an introduction to hand tool, power tool and machine use.  

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Introduction to Chair Making
to Oct 25

Introduction to Chair Making

2-week course designed for those with at least basic woodworking experience.

Whilst no one chair can cover all the approaches to chair making, this course covers many of the major challenges associated with chairs. Students will make a pre-designed full-size dining chair and in so doing, experience multiple stages of chair design and construction.

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