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(03) 545 2674

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March 2025 Newsletter


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March 2025 Newsletter

Helen Gerry

For the Full Newsletter, please use this link..

The 2-week Steam Bending course wrapped up last week which brings us to a brilliant conclusion of Yuri Kobayashi's 8-week teaching tour with us. We've had such an incredible time with Yuri. Learning from her, laughing with her, and watching her work has been a pure delight. We've been so privileged to have Yuri here in New Zealand, and loved every minute of it. We'll miss you, Yuri!

Come wander around our beautiful workshop, check out the courses on offer, watch demos, and enjoy the community spirit!

Raffle tickets for this gorgeous table are $25. Dimensions are: W: 65 x D: 23 x H: 80.
Click the button below to buy a ticket with our thanks for your support!
We look foward to seeing you!

Table made by Tony Clark who has been teaching at the school since 2019 and runs the Jointworks Studio with Jane, making commission pieces, repairs and bespoke items.

Thanks for keeping up with our news! We hope to see you at the school soon!